On the contrary …

Who would you like to talk to soon?

Today I’d love to NOT have to talk to anyone, rather slipping out the door, armed only with my camera bag, water bottle, packed lunch and walking shoes. I’d disappear into a day of spoken silence, instead hooking in to the abundant (and sometimes discordant) sounds of nature. I’d stand transfixed, mesmerised by the beauty before me, revealing itself to my lens, and mind’s eye. In silence I will listen, hear and absorb.

But no, instead I will head to work where I will engage in multiple conversations, counselling sessions, and general chit-chat. Afterwards, I have my clinical supervision, where 60 minutes of deep insights and personal analysis leaves me feeling lighter and somewhat reinvigorated.

Then it’s home again, where I am once again fielding conversations, questions and requests. Let me just say, my noise cancelling headphones are beckoning.

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