Surprisingly not too many.

What personal belongings do you hold most dear?

I believe I’ve finally acquired a healthy sense of detachment to materialism and material things. Having said that, I am grateful for my camera, iPhone, iMac Air, as these are necessary to create and connect with others. They have purpose. I’m attached to photos (but having said that can simply take a virtual image and save them). I have a silver heart-shaped locket which has a few strands of my dad’s hair, this is priceless. Likewise I have kept the woollen jumper I was wearing when I held my dad while he passed. It contains memories of holding him, loving him and connecting so deeply with him. I know those moments and memories exist outside of the jumper, however it’s quite comforting knowing it may still contain traces of his energy. It’s not macabre in anyway, shape or form. It’s just that it embodies incredible love and energy. I may let go of it one day, or perhaps learn how to sew and turn it into a small cushion cover. And no, I have never washed it! Well not after his passing.

I also have a teapot that is around 300 years old. I bought it second hand for a few bucks ($$). Why is it special? Because it is simply unique, the patternation, shape and fragility, that has stood the ravages of time. I guess it’s a metaphor for life really.

Lastly, my plants are precious to me. They are my personal items, more so than any jewellery. Yeah! I know I’m a little quirky. What about you? Let me add that detachment is quite remarkable, especially given that as the 8th child of 10 kids I grew up in poverty. I tried to compensate for that childhood poverty by amassing ‘stuff’. Stuff that I now know is easily replaceable or forgotten. It’s amazing how much freer I feel.

2 responses to “Surprisingly not too many.”

  1. imtiazsumaiya396 Avatar

    Father is a great love

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Indeed, a good, loving and compassionate father is a source of great love & comfort, sadly not everyone gets to experience this in their lifetime


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