My inner bowerbird …

Do you have any collections?

Do shoes and boots count? Plants? No, seriously though I have been drawn to certain items in the past, where I’ve felt the need to amass new items, much like the bowerbird. My favourite objects to collect were brightly coloured Murano glass, in the shape of wildly wonderful organic vases and bowls. I adored the way the beautiful translucent colours caught the light, and the sense of movement caught by the glass blowers. I love colour, texture and light – so am drawn to things like Persian rugs.

Now, I’m more likely to collect plants, and marrying them with organic looking glazed pots (discovered at second-hand shops) I love texture and colour, often found in uniquely crafted random items found among the hidden treasures in op-shops (what you might know as thrift stores)

My main collection now, is that of making my own memories and moments. Stringing these together to form the wonderful collection known as life. Funnily enough my collection of memories, allows for priceless recollection. Unlike things, objects and items that can be replaced, my memories are invaluable. I’ve also collected shells and stones, candles and essential oils. These are all natural and tactile objects, that I find excite my senses.

Satin Bowerbird adding to its collection
Satin Bowerbird and its collection

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