Life’s not so black & white. There’s a whole shifting scale of kaleidoscopic colour.

Are you a leader or a follower?

There’s times when it’s essential to be a leader, carving out my own path as I go. However, there are times when it’s necessary to sit back and simply go with the flow, following the lead of another or others. Life is complex, highly nuanced, and requires the ability to listen to our intuition, or ‘gut’ instincts, adapt, respond, and adjust when necessary. One can still have integrity and ‘follow’, whilst one can lack ‘integrity and or insight’ and still lead. Conversely, true leadership takes clarity, emotional intelligence and strong interpersonal skills. A leader inspires, supports and assists others to move beyond their comfort zones, beyond the known. Not all leaders are loud and beg to be front and centre stage. A true leader, can lead from within, motivating others through their compassion, communication and personal strength. A follower, doesn’t always have to mean someone who’s unable to form their own opinions, ideas and beliefs.

I think it’s not a black and white simple dichotomy. I also think the two terms elicit a strong preconceived value judgement, or bias. Basically, a person is able to be both a follower and a leader, and conversely, a leader and a follower. They are not mutually exclusive. I guess my point is that we need to redefine what constitutes being a’leader’ as opposed to being a follower’. Also people are multifaceted, have many aspects to their being, as well as a public and private face. A person may be a leader at home, but follower at work/school/university. Or appear to be a leader in the public domain, but a follower in their private. Not to mention the way we see ourselves may differ significantly to the way others view us. We all bring our own perspective, narrative and lens.

So I can comfortably embody both qualities of a leader and a follower, and use my intuition and insight to adapt accordingly.

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