Not fair, I can’t stop at just five.

List your top 5 favourite fruits.

I love all fruit, apart from pawpaw, which I detest. I think it may be the same for Dorian (but I’ve never tried it). I’m not particularly fond of papaya, either.

I love mangoes, watermelon, firm seedless grapes, peaches, nectarines, plums, all citrus varieties, cherries, pears, bananas, apples, kiwis, all berries (except the texture and mouth feel of fresh soft -fuzzy raspberries) I love love love medjool dates (they are a remarkable fruit), passionfruit, fresh pineapple. I love fruit. I’m the same with vegetables too.

Now. I think I’ll make a fresh fruit salad, it might help me get rid of this cold, which my daughter brought home from school. However, it’s hard to have a real fruit salad without lashings of freshly picked mint. Mint helps to make everything and every fruit sing.

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