One small tweak – a huge improvement.

What’s one small improvement you can make in your life?

Sleep – get to bed earlier than I currently do, so I can easily awaken at 5am every morning, instead of 6am. Then, I can enjoy a quiet home before everyone awakens. I could meditate, quietly exercise and/or write, all before my family wakes and I’m swept up in a torrent of turmoil, a maelstrom of morning madness. It’s a short-sharp nose-dive into the dizzying and discordant waters of “Where’s my socks?” “Where’s my sports uniform? School uniform?” “Have you made school lunch?” “Where’s my excursion permission slip?” “Can you drop me at the station before you go to work?” “I feel sick, can I stay home?” “ what’s for breakfast?” Etc etc etc (having a child with complex medical needs and a disability can add the equivalent of a half-marathon before I’ve even left for work)

I love the incredible promises found in the awakening light of early morning. Mother Nature is only too happy to share them with us, if we wake up early enough. If we approach each morning as a new page, a new opportunity for adventure. So I need more sleep in order to get enough ‘me time’ so I’ve got enough energy, joy, emotional energy, and patience to do ‘we time’.

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