When I am on my own and can hyperfocus.

Daily writing prompt
When do you feel most productive?

I feel most productive, no I am most productive when I have the time and space to hyperfocus. This generally entails having a pending timeline, or demands which need to be met. The combination of a looming deadline, appointment or date, with clearly defined time and space boundaries enables me to hyperfocus, and pretty much power through. I get into the zone, find my flow and just get done, what needs to be done.

Now if you are referring to being productive at home, again I need dedicated time and space, plus the added demands of a looming deadline, challenge or need to help propel me forward towards productivity. I listen to my favourite music, burn essential oils, open all windows and curtains and pretty much dance and sing my way through the cleaning. I love it if my family can leave the home for a few hours and leave me in my cleaning zone, then I can be extremely productive, and thoruoughly enjoy being so.

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