Introversion and compartmentalisation… the power to harness strength and balance from within.

If I was to ask you, “what is your superpower, or what is ONE of your superpowers” what would you say? Do you believe you have special qualities which enable you to successfully tackle life’s daily challenges? Do you know what they are? Or are there qualities that you aspire to possess?

Being a highly visual thinker, I can best describe mine as the ability to selectively juggle whilst being in what I can only describe as free-fall … while at the same time, I am surrounded by the incessant noise and essential needs of others. This has resulted in a deeper understanding and appreciation of compartmentalisation, healthy boundaries and emotional personal space. The result is RESILIENCE and TENACITY . So, although this ‘white noise, chaos and flux’ is all happening around me, it is not happening internally, as I am still able to ground and find balance. Much like a dynamic equilibrium captures harmonious fluidity and balance. Much like an emotional yin and yang.

Introversion affords me the privilege of responding to life, and not simply losing myself in the raw emotion of the moment, not reacting from some base-line emotional state. Introversion refers to the ability to deeply ruminate, learning to process my thoughts, feelings and emotions, and how words, actions, and situations have impacted, or will impact myself and others.

I liken it to the ability to safely and intuitively compartmentalise, but in an emotionally robust and healthy way. For example, I see my mind as a large rambling old-world mansion with a beautiful large wrap-around veranda.. There are many rooms, corridors and spaces, all of which are known to me, as I was the architect, builder, designer, maintenance staff and cleaner.. I crafted the locks and keys to each of these rooms and spaces. I know the lights, windows and doors work well, independent of each other. . I do regular sweeps of each room and space, turning the lights on, looking inside to make sure there is nothing harmful lurking or needing attention. I have the power and agency (and self-control) to gently close each door, locking those that need locking. The veranda is like the conscious part of my mind, often it is the part that family, friends and colleagues see. The inner rooms are my private ‘inner sanctums’, My mind also has beautiful gardens, where bees and birds intertwine with rambling bushes, flowers and trees. That is my creative space, my space of gratitude. It provides additional harmony and congruence.

The reason I compartmentalise may be grounded in possible childhood trauma responses! However, I have learned to compartmentalise in a healthy way which has led to feeling of overall congruence. Introversion has helped me address my ‘fear of fear itself’. I can and do appreciate that each of us is a unique being, with a unique perspective and view on life. I thought I would just share a glimmer of my unique perspective, hoping it resonates, entertains or piques your interest. Perhaps I am due for a spring clean!

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